PCB Prototyping Services
In the traditional contract manufacturing community, prototype business can be irresistible. This business is chased aggressively, in the hopes of landing the high-volume work that may materialize down the road. At AMS-JRC™ we recognize that a significant percentage of prototype development projects will never turn into large-volume work, so it’s a disservice to both parties to create this expectation. It’s better to simply get the prototypes built correctly, cost-effectively and delivered in a timely manner.
AMS-JRC™ offers quick-turn assembly for prototype, small run and new product introduction (NPI) quantities. Our assembly technologies encompass through-hole to fine pitch surface mount. Quick turn PCB assembly projects can be handled as consignment or turnkey method. AMS-JRC™ can assemble your prototype(s) and in most cases have them back in your hands within a week when required.
AMS-JRC's™ prototype services you will get uncompromised quality with all projects being assembled and inspected per the proper industry-wide accepted IPC or customer criteria. Each prototype is assembled with the highest quality in mind and defect- free so engineers can start working on the functionality of your new design, and not on chasing down quality defects which add time and cost to your assembly.
With 25 plus years of electronic assembly experience, and in most cases, a decade or more of experience in the engineering/prototype field we can assure you that no matter how difficult your assembly may be, your product is in the highly skilled hands of our quality personnel. This experience makes a difference when time is of the essence and a quick turn SMT assembly is required.
AMS-JRC™ provides quotations quickly-especially when we know that you need quick turn assembly services. AMS-JRC™ requires a bill of material, PCB fabrication notes or gerbers and we will have a quotation back to you in a fast and timely fashion. Please allow us to quote your job; we promise you will not be disappointed...